1. Dezember 2009 15:58
Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.CFront.CFrontException: The Navision CFront initialization failed, with following error: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.. Please verify that CFront.dll/CFrontsql.dll are available and located in the directory where the application is started.
bei Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.CFront.CFrontDotNet.Init()
bei Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.CFront.CFrontDotNet.get_Instance()
bei Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.CFront.FrmMain.Connect() in C:\Users\volker.ZENTRALE\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\CFront\Main.cs:Zeile 1067.
1. Dezember 2009 16:47
readme.txt hat geschrieben:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C/FRONT W1 4.0 SP3 for all Windows Platforms
Release notes
This document is a plain text file that can be displayed with any text
editor. It contains up-to-date information about the following topics:
o Manual installation of C/FRONT C-API
o Manual installation of C/FRONT OCX-API
o List of C/FRONT Files
This note is only relevant if C/FRONT has to be installed on systems with more than
one version of Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision installed, or on a system that does not have
Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision installed.
Manual installation of C/FRONT C-API
Copy the following C-API specific files from the CFRONT directory on the installation
media to a directory of your choice, for example, "c:\program files\cf":
cfront.dll or cfrontsql.dll
If you are running on Navision Database Server, copy the cfront.dll to
the directory specified above. If you are running on SQL Server, copy the
cfrontsql.dll to the directory specified above.
Normally, the C/FRONT library (cfront.dll/cfrontsql.dll) reads the registry in
order to locate the Navision Database Server. However, if multiple Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision
systems are installed or if Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision is not present on the
system, the function SetNavisionPath in the cfront.dll/cfrontsql.dll library must
be called specifying the path to the directory where Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision is
installed or to a directory containing the following files from a Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision installation:
This completes the C/FRONT C-API installation.
Manual installation of C/FRONT OCX-API
Copy the following OCX-API specific files from the CFRONT directory on the
installation media to the directory in which the C-API is installed:
If the following are not present on the system, copy them from the CFRONT directory
on the installation media to the Windows system directory:
Note that the Windows system directory usually is
c:\winnt35\system32 on Windows NT 3.5x systems,
c:\winnt\system32 on Windows NT 4.00 and Windows 2000 systems,
and c:\windows\system on Windows 98 systems.
Register the cfront.ocx controls by following these steps carefully:
1) Start Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision
2) Click <Tools><Custom Controls...><Control><Browse...>
3) Select the cfront.ocx from the Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision directory
4) Click <OK>
5) Exit Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision
or if Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision is not installed, use the utility regsvr32:
regsvr32 cfront.ocx
This completes the C/FRONT OCX-API installation.
List of C/FRONT Files
C/FRONT consists of the following files:
cfront.dll C/FRONT C-API library for Navision Database Server
cfrontsql.dll C/FRONT C-API library for SQL Server
cf.h C/FRONT header file
sample.c C/FRONT sample application
sample.exe Runable sample application
sample.fdb Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision sample database
sample.fbk Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision backup of the sample database
sample.txt Document describing how to build and run the
C/FRONT C-API sample application
libload.c Source file containing functions
to load and unload cfront.dll
LIBLOAD.H Header file declaring functions
to load and unload cfront.dll
dberror.txt Database error/return codes
cfront.ocx C/FRONT OCX
cfront.hlp C/FRONT OCX online help file
cfront.xls C/FRONT OCX Microsoft Excel sample application
mfc42.dll Microsoft Foundation Classes Library
msvcrt.dll Microsoft Visual C Run-Time Library
readme.txt This document
This document is subject to change without notice and does not represent
any commitment on the part of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft Corporation assumes no responsibility for any faults or
shortcomings in this document.
1. Dezember 2009 17:17
1. Dezember 2009 18:27
2. Dezember 2009 11:19
2. Dezember 2009 11:27
vsnase hat geschrieben:Die Dateien (cfront.dll, cfrontsql.dll, Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.CFront.CFrontDotNet.dll) sind alle im Verzeichnis meiner Assembly, dem Debug-Verzeichnis, dem obj-Verzeichnis vorhanden.
2. Dezember 2009 12:27